A well planted and attractive garden will compliment your home and provide interest with seasonal variations in shape, colour, texture and the natural life that will thrive around it. It will also give people their first impressions of you, and after all first impressions count.

The garden can portray many different moods, circular beds have an elegance about them, relaxing and soft. Whereas sharp edges show a more strict and disciplined approach,direct, and to the point,an attempt to tame nature. Woodland borders are romantic, you can walk through and feel, touch and smell the leaves and flowers,clear your mind and become part of it.

So not only does the garden create moods, it can change them as well, colours have an amazing ability to relax us,just like wearing your favourite trousers or dress.


Think of this when you are planting. At the end of the day you come home from work and you sit down with a cup of tea and first thing you do is kick your shoes off, you’ve been in them all day, as soon as they come off your whole body feels relaxed. Its the same with plants, when you plant them give them a little TLC, make there feet (roots) comfortable and just watch how they will reward you. Your garden is your closest point to nature, make it interesting.

Mark on 07575 107807

‘In practice it is to place every plant or group of plants with such thoughtful care and definite intention that they shall form part of a harmonious whole ‘‘

Gertrude Jekyll