Gardens - They create feelings and moods, can be vibrant, romantic and wild.

As a consultant its very important to get to know the client, by doing this it becomes more focused on being able to give you what you have in your thoughts. Of course sometimes some things are just not possible or suited to your lifestyle, and if this happens I will clearly explain why and try to find a good alternative, gardens are areas to enjoy and relax in and although many people can action tasks themselves sometimes a little guidance is all that is needed. And of course a contact if you have just that little doubt before you take action.

Regardless of the size of your garden, yard, just pots, large borders or lawn its usually the shapes and colours that make a difference, they all say something about you. So take a look out the window, are your favourite colours out there, do they correspond with your wardrobe choices, are they in the right place ?

The colours in a garden can portray your moods, feelings, temperament, and your love, not just love for somebody but for life itself.

Inspire Garden Architects - Inspire, Involve

Mark / Fynne - 07575 107807

Garden Consultant

A service that looks in detail at the current situation in your garden, the plants, your ideas, how to improve and encourage you into the garden more often. How to make your garden more interesting allowing you to grow and nurture the plants you like most. And a back up advice area for you if you have any questions later on.


This service is totally focused on plants, current ones, new ones, re-creating old borders, new borders. The display you want, and the plants which will make it happen. Every green leaf cleans the air, every flower produces food.

Garden Management

The success of many gardens is not down to its maintenance but to its management. Those little extra jobs that will make all the difference, the little bits your plants and soil will flourish on and be nurtured with, see the difference, feel the difference, you’ll be surprised.

Call Mark And Fynne, We can do it together